How to recover Facebook profile

How to recover Facebook profile. A detailed guide on how to recover stolen Facebook account.

Has your Facebook account been stolen? Are you unable to access your Facebook account in any way? You noticed that someone hacked your Facebook account and changed your login password as well. Quiet in this article I will explain to you how to recover Facebook profile.

You must know that even if they have hacked your account, regain access to Facebook it's still possible.

How to recover Facebook profile

How to recover Facebook profile

Before starting, remember that to avoid other bad experiences of this type, our advice is to protect our accounts with secure passwords and to rely on programs that can keep passwords optimally.

Let's see the various solutions on how to recover the login credentials to facebook.

How to recover a hacked Facebook profile

If you have been victim of a hacker, first try to access Facebook with login and password. If the access keys have not been touched, immediately change the password and activate thetwo-factor authentication for unwanted logins.

In case you no longer log into your Facebook account, connect to the hacked Facebook page and press the button My account has been compromised indicating one of the proposed options (eg. I found an account that uses my name or photos, or Someone else logged into my account without my permission) and press the Continue button to follow the guided procedure that will allow you to re-access your profile and regain control.

For more information I suggest you visit the Facebook help center, you will find other information to secure your account e security tips.

How to recover Facebook password

If you do not log in because you have lost your Facebook password, the procedure to follow is to connect to Facebook and click on the link Non ricordi più come accere all'account? present in the Login section, under the fields where you enter your e-mail / telephone number and password.

On the page that appears, enter your e-mail or telephone number and press on Search. You will receive in a short time anemail or SMS with code to 6 digits to type in the field insert the code.

After entering the code, press the button Continue and in the web page that appears set the password in the field New Password and click on Continue. Check the option Disconnect from other devices and click Continue to access your Facebook profile.

How to recover disabled Facebook account

If for an alleged violation of Facebook's terms of use, your account has been deactivated, you can fill out a form in which you state the reasons for your behavior.

Connect to this page to send a request to analyze the deactivation procedure of your Facebook profile. Enter your e-mail address or phone number immediately to be contacted in the field The login email address or phone number. Your first and last name in the field Your full name and attach the scanned identity document by clicking on Choose fillet.

Caution: in case you have permanently deleted your Facebook account for less than 14 days, you can reactivate your account by simply logging in. After 14 days you will not be able to recover your account, but you will have to create a new one.

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