How to get verified on Instagram

Here is a guide dedicated to what the blue check eac isHow to get verified on Instagram. Let's find out which are the profiles that can request the Instagram verification badge, the required requirements and the procedure to follow.

Everything you need to know if you want to get Verified profile on Instagram

How to get verified on Instagram

From 28 August 2018, all users registered on Instagram can request verification of their account to authenticate the profile. In this way, brands, public figures or influencers have the opportunity to protect their original account thanks to Instagram which has confirmed its real presence.

Verified accounts have a blue check mark next to their name. This is a real seal of authenticity of the account whose purpose is to prove that it is not a fake profile.

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How to get verified on Instagram

How to get verified on Instagram

To get Instagram verified you must:

  • Launch the app Instagram for Android or iOS.
  • Access your profile by tapping onlittle man bottom right.
  • Touch the icon of three overlapping lines top right.
  • Select Settings and then Account.
  • Scroll down and tap Request verification.
  • A form will appear to fill out with yours username already typed.
  • To insert Name and surname and type of document.
  • Immediately after that tap the button Choose file and attach a picture of your ID or if you are a company, official business documents.
  • Tap the button Send to send the request.

What happens after I submit a request for a verification badge on Instagram

How to get verified on Instagram

After sending the request, within 30 days Instagram will send you a notification in the section Activities to inform you if your account has been verified or not.

To check it, start Instagram, access your profile by tapping on thelittle man at the bottom right, and tap the heart symbol at the top, to view notifications in Activities.

Please note:: Once you have verified the verification, you will no longer be able to change the username of your account and the verification cannot be transferred to another account.

If your request is denied, you can submit another one after 30 days. Avoid sending multiple requests before receiving confirmation of acceptance, as they will be automatically canceled.

The blue Instagram check or verification badge can be removed from the social platform at any time and in the following cases:

  • Conversion of public account to private too many times.
  • Transfer, sale or advertising of your verification badge.
  • Violation of the Community Guidelines or our Terms of Use.
  • Attempt to verify your account by a third party.

If you do not get verified by Instagram, you can still make known the authenticity of your Instagram account by entering your profile page, your official website, Facebook page or your YouTube or Twitter account.

Having the verified on the Facebook page does not mean also obtaining the verification badge on Instagram. You will still have to request it.

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How much does the verified on Instagram cost

To have the Instagram verified you do not need to incur any expenses or costs. The blue check of Instagram is awarded, upon request, for free.

When the verified on Instagram is given

How to get verified on Instagram

The blue check on Instagram is only obtained if certain evaluation criteria are met. Let's see what they are:

  • Your account must comply with the Instagram Terms of Use and Community Guidelines.
  • Your account must be:
    • Authentic: must represent a real person or registered company.
    • Unique: only one account per person or company.
    • Full- must be active, public with bio and profile picture.
    • Interesting to follow: must represent a highly sought-after person, brand or entity.

How many followers do you need to be verified on Instagram

As you can see il number of followers it is not a criterion that falls within the requirements of Instagram. That said, it is common ground that the accounts that require verification must be very popular public figures who have received links, articles and mentions.

Read also: How to increase the number of followers on Instagram

How to get verified on Instagram without being famous

How to get verified on Instagram

To date, it is still not possible to get the Instagram verification badge without being a famous person or a famous brand. Unfortunately, only accounts that have a certain notoriety have the possibility of having the blue check.

However, it doesn't hurt to try. There are cases of users who have managed to obtain the verification badge with only 400 followers and few posts. How did they do it? YouTube channel with lots of views, notoriety on social networks and an account complete with username, email address and link of your website.

By accessing the section Request verification, as already explained in the paragraph How to have the Instagram verified, you can try to fill out the form and cross your fingers. In this regard, our guide on how to become famous on Instagram might be useful.

How to buy the verified on Instagram

The blue check guarantees added value to your account, which is why there are more and more sites that offer a paid Instagram verified profile. Our advice is to avoid these sites which could lead to an account deactivation. As already mentioned in the previous paragraphs of this guide, you can prove the authenticity of your Instagram account by entering your official website or any Facebook pages o YouTube.

Verified fake Instagram

Should you receive Instagram verified using false or misleading information at the verification process stage, your verification badge will be removed and your account disabled. The blue check serves precisely to keep a safe distance from the so-called fake profiles, whose purpose is to steal popularity.

Unfortunately, as with the purchase of followers, there is also in this case the black market of verified Instagram accounts, where the mediators sell the blue ticks at prices ranging from 1.500 to 7.000 dollars even for those who do not have millions of followers.

Instagram verified symbol to copy

For those who want to have the verified account icon in different styles, they can go to this Internet page. You can download PNG icons to your PC, add effects or purchase SVG vectors.

Other useful articles

  • How to create the new Instagram logo with Photoshop
  • How to activate two-factor authentication on Facebook
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