Who finds a friend finds a treasure ...
The horse is a fundamental part of Rockstar's new masterpiece, and it is so much so that it has a dedicated care kit.
In Red Dead Redemption 2 you will be able to buy and sell horses in almost any city in the game, but it will be possible to tame some of the best beasts during your wanderings.
Among all the horses that you can find within this vast world, there is a special one, the White Arabian Horse, once in your possession you will soon realize that it is the best steed in the game.
In addition, it is the fastest horse in the West, citing the historic song by Mal (Fury Horse of the West) "... that goes faster than a Jet ...", this factor will be of vital importance in Red Dead Redemption 2, if you want to undertake the life of the outlaw.
Here's where to find this beautiful animal
Now that we know where it is, what do we do?
More than logical question dear readers, first of all head to Lake Isabella, the wild horse will roam in that area. Watch out for the wolves and the cold, after all that road it would be a shame to die, don't you think?
The White Maned Arabian Horse will by no means be easy to tame, you should follow him for a while and stay calm until the approach.
Once found, press L2 or LT and approach very slowly. There is a bar in the lower right corner of the screen. If this bar begins to empty, quickly press Square or X to calm the horse.
If the beast starts to fidget, you simply have to slow down to stop your pace to calm it down before continuing. Once you are close enough you can give your new friend a couple of strokes and get on his back.
Once the horse is mounted, you will have to tame it for good. Move the left analog stick in the opposite direction of the horse's movement to stay balanced. So if the horse moves forward, move the stick back, if it goes left, keep the stick right and so on.
You will be notified with a notification when you have successfully tamed the horse, accompany it to your previous steed to saddle this new friend. From now on, the White Arabian Horse will be yours forever. You will need to continue bonding with him to improve his obedience and performance.
Horse statistics
As you can see from the photo, the horse has 5 stamina and health, while in terms of speed and acceleration it has 6. Among other things, this beautiful animal has an Elite level handling.
Best wild horse
Horses of the Arabian breed seem to be the best steeds in Red Dead Redemption 2, you can get two more during your adventure, one black and the other pink. They have better health and stamina stats compared to those of the White Arabian Horse, but the latter is the only one you'll find in the wild.
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