Gotham Knights is yet another forced postponement by the Coronavirus. The game was supposed to arrive this year, but sadly the developers have announced on their Twitter profile that it will come instead released in 2022. So for the batman game without the bat man, we will have to wait another year. Here below is the tweet with the announcement.
- Gotham Knights (@GothamKnights) March 19, 2021Gotham Knights was announced last summer, in August to be precise. After generating some skepticism due to Batman's absence, everyone has been waiting for news from the development team without receiving a response. It is certainly not the news that many expected, but after so long it was quite predictable.
The choice to postpone the game, however, is not so bad and, given the period in which the software houses pay, complicated by the absence of so many staff and remote work, it is normal for many important games to suffer sharp brakes.
However, if this slowdown in development will prevent the title from arriving "Disabled" on day one, a postponement is welcome. We hope, however, that no other titles we want be postponed due to the Coronavirus.